Thursday, October 09, 2008

Books About Barrack Obama

The Presidential race of Barrack Obama, the Democratic Nominee has proved to be a phenomenon. Although he was known in Chicago. He rose to the USA national scene within two years of his campaign.

He is not the first African American to enter the Presidential race, however he is the first to receive the nomination by the Democratic Party. Shirley Chisholm was the first African American to became a Presidential candidate with the Democratic Party on January 23, 1972. She lost the Democratic nomination to Governor McGovern who lost the Presidential Office to Richard Nixon, the Republican Nominee.

Jesse Jackson was the second African American to enter the Presidential race. He was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984. Former Vice President Walter Mondale won the Democratic Nomination for President, however Ronald Reagan won the U S A Presidency. What is also interesting in this 1984 campaign is that Mondale had selected Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate for Vice President. Mondale only won one state which was his home state of Minnesota. While Reagan won 49 out of 50 states.

Many citizens are upset that McCain has chosen a woman as a running mate for the 2008 Presidential election. He chose Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. He announced his decision on August 29,2008 So the 2008 Presidential race is full of surprises.

There are many books that are available about all of these candidates.

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